
Our design philosophy and precision manufacturing ideology has gone also into the manufacturing of it’s prosthetic components. Be it the conical connection for better fit and platform switching capability or a single platform for simplicity of use by the dentist, attention has been paid to the needs of the user in every aspect. Providing a wide variety of prosthetic solutions and constantly working on developing state of art solutions including a digital workflow, we promise a solution for all types of restorative requirements. To make your communication with the lab easier, extensive thought has gone into designing copings and analogs that support transfer of accurate information to your dental lab.

Key features

  • Conical connection for a predictable tight fit and platform switching
  • Single platform for ease of use
  • A menu of abutment options from factory made to customizable options
  • Multi unit abutments for full mouth rehabilitation
  • Variety of healing abutments for soft tissue contouring
  • Accurate replicas of copings and analogs for repeatability
Straight Abutment

Straight Abutment

Dia (mm)
Collar height (mm) Ø 4.2 Ø 4.5 Ø 5.2 Ø 5.7 Ø 6.5
2.2 11R-AS-XR001 11R-AS-XR002 11R-AS-XR003 11R-AS-XR004 11R-AS-XR005
3 11R-AS-XR006 11R-AS-XR007 11R-AS-XR008 11R-AS-XR009 11R-AS-XR010
4 11R-AS-XR011 11R-AS-XR012 11R-AS-XR013 11R-AS-XR014 11R-AS-XR015

Angular Abutment

Angle (degree) 15 25
Collar Height (mm 3 3
Collar Diameter (mm) 4.5 4.5
Product Code 11R-AA-XR001 11R-AA-XR002
Angular Abutment

Locator Abutment

Product Code 11R-AL-XR005

Multi-unit Abutment

Straight Multi-unit

Dia (mm)
Collar height (mm) Ø 4.5 Ø 5.5
2.2 11R-MS-XR004 11R-MS-XR007
3 11R-MS-XR005 11R-MS-XR008
4 11R-MS-XR006 11R-MS-XR009

17° – Angular Multi-unit

Dia (mm)
Collar height (mm) Ø 4.5 Ø 5.5
2.5 11R-MA-XR001 11R-MA-XR004
3.5 11R-MA-XR002 11R-MA-XR005
4.5 11R-MA-XR003 11R-MA-XR006

30° – Angular Multi-unit

Dia (mm)
Collar height (mm) Ø 4.5 Ø 5.5
3.5 11R-MA-XR007 11R-MA-XR009
4.5 11R-MA-XR008 11R-MA-XR010

Multi-unit Metal Housing

Multi-unit Ti Cylinder

Collar Diameter (mm) Ø 4.5 Ø 5.5
Product Code 11R-AL-XR001 11R-AL-XR002
Metal Housing

Multi-unit Ti base

Collar Diameter (mm) Ø 4.5 Ø 5.5
Product Code 11R-AL-XR003 11R-AL-XR004

Castable Abutment

Ti base with Hex

Length (mm) 11.5
Collar Diameter (mm) 4.5
Collar Height (mm) 2.2
Product Code 11R-AC-XR001

Fully Castable with Hex

Length (mm) 11.5
Collar Diameter (mm) 4.5
Collar Height (mm) 2.2
Product Code 11R-AC-XR002
fully castable with hex

Ti base without Hex

Length (mm) 11.5 13
Collar Diameter (mm) 4.5 4.5
Collar Height (mm) 2.2 2.2
Product Code 11R-AC-XR003 11R-AC-XR006

Fully Castable Without Hex

Length (mm) 11.5
Collar Diameter (mm) 4.5
Collar Height (mm) 2.2
Product Code 11R-AC-XR004
fully castable without hex

Healing Abutment

Dia (mm)
Collar Height (mm) Ø 4.2 Ø 4.5 Ø 5.2 Ø 5.7 Ø 6.5
2.2 11R-AH-XR001 11R-AH-XR004 11R-AH-XR007 11R-AH-XR010 11R-AH-XR013
3 11R-AH-XR002 11R-AH-XR005 11R-AH-XR008 11R-AH-XR011 11R-AH-XR014
4 11R-AH-XR003 11R-AH-XR006 11R-AH-XR009 11R-AH-XR012 11R-AH-XR015
5 11R-AH-XR016 11R-AH-XR018 11R-AH-XR020
6 11R-AH-XR017 11R-AH-XR019 11R-AH-XR021
Healing Abutment


Multi-unit Prosthetic Screw

Multi unitLocking Screw Short
Product Code 11R-SL-MR001

Multi-unit Abutment Screw

Multi unit Locking Screw Long
Product Code 11R-SL-MR002

Cover Screw

Healing Cover Screw
Product Code 11R-SH-XR001

Multi-unit Healing Cap

Diameter (mm) Ø 4.5 Ø 5.5
Product Code 11R-MA-HR002 11R-MA-HR003
Multi unit Healing

Abutment Screw

Locking Screw
Product Code 11R-SL-XR001

Implant Analog

Product Code 11R-LA-XR001

Multi-unit Impression Coping

Diameter (mm) Product Code Description
Ø4.5 11R-LC-XR002 Multi-unit Impression Coping – Open Tray
11R-LC-XR004 Multi-unit Impression Coping – Closed Tray
Ø5.5 11R-LC-XR003 Multi-unit Impression Coping – Open Tray
11R-LC-XR005 Multi-unit Impression Coping – Closed Tray

Impression Coping

Product Code Description
11R-LC-XR001 Impression Coping-Open tray-short
11R-LC-XR006 Impression Coping-Open tray-long
111R-LC-XR007 Impression Coping-Closed tray-short
11R-LC-XR008 Impression Coping-Closed tray long

Multi-unit Analog

Collar Diameter (mm) Ø4.5 Ø5.5
Product Code 11R-LA-XR002 11R-LA-XR003

Multi-unit fully castable cylinder

Collar Diameter (mm) Ø4.5
Product Code 11R-AL-XR008
For more information Call Us!